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Paradise Lost Ⅻ-第1章

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the angel michael continues from the flood to relate what shall succeed; then; in the mention of abraham; es by degrees to explain; who that seed of the woman shall be; which was promised adam and eve in the fall; his incarnation; death; resurrection; and ascention; the state of the church till his second ing。 adam greatly satisfied and reforted by these relations and promises descends the hill with michael; wakens eve; who all this while had slept; but with gentle dreams posd to quietness of mind and submission。 michael in either hand leads them out of paradise; the fiery sword waving behind them; and the cherubim taking thir stations to guard the place。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ1

as one who in his journey bates at noone;

though bent on speed; so heer the archangel pausd

betwixt the world destroyd and world restord;

if adam aught perhaps might interpose;

then with transition sweet new speech resumes。 ' 5 '

thus thou hast seen one world begin and end;

and man as from a second stock proceed。

much thou hast yet to see; but i perceave

thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine

must needs impaire and wearie human sense: ' 10 '

henceforth what is to  i will relate;

thou therefore give due audience; and attend。

this second sours of men; while yet but few;

and while the dread of judgement past remains

fresh in thir mindes; fearing the deitie; ' 15 '

with some regard to what is just and right

shall lead thir lives and multiplie apace;

labouring the soile; and reaping plenteous crop;

corn wine and oyle; and from the herd or flock;

oft sacrificing bullock; lamb; or kid; ' 20 '

with large wine…offerings pourd; and sacred feast;

shal spend thir dayes in joy unblamd; and dwell

long time in peace by families and tribes

under paternal rule; till one shall rise

of proud ambitious heart; who not content ' 25 '

with fair equalitie; fraternal state;

will arrogate dominion undeservd

over his brethren; and quite dispossess

concord and law of nature from the earth;

hunting (and men not beasts shall be his game) ' 30 '

with warr and hostile snare such as refuse

subjection to his empire tyrannous:

a mightie hunter thence he shall be styld

before the lord; as in despite of heavn;

or from heavn claming second sovrantie; ' 35 '

and from rebellion shall derive his name;

though of rebellion others he accuse。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ2

hee with a crew; whom like ambition joyns

with him or under him to tyrannize;

marching from eden towards the west; shall finde ' 40 '

the plain; wherein a black bituminous gurge

boiles out from under ground; the mouth of hell;

of brick; and of that stuff they cast to build

a citie and towre; whose top may reach to heavn;

and get themselves a name; least far disperst ' 45 '

in foraign lands thir memorie be lost;

regardless whether good or evil fame。

but god who oft descends to visit men

unseen; and through thir habitations walks

to mark thir doings; them beholding soon; ' 50 '

es down to see thir citie; ere the tower

obstruct heavn towrs; and in derision sets

upon thir tongues a various spirit to rase

quite out thir native language; and instead

to sow a jangling noise of words unknown: ' 55 '

forthwith a hideous gabble rises loud

among the builders; each to other calls

not understood; till hoarse; and all in rage;

as mockt they storm; great laughter was in heavn

and looking down; to see the hubbub strange ' 60 '

and hear the din; thus was the building left

ridiculous; and the work confusion namd。

whereto thus adam fatherly displeasd。

o execrable son so to aspire

above his brethren; to himself assuming ' 65 '

authoritie usurpt; from god not givn:

he gave us onely over beast; fish; fowl

dominion absolute; that right we hold

by his donation; but man over men

he made not lord; such title to himself ' 70 '

reserving; human left from human free。

but this usurper his encroachment proud

stayes not on man; to god his tower intends

siege and defiance: wretched man! what food

will he convey up thither to sustain ' 75 '

himself and his rash armie; where thin aire

above the clouds will pine his entrails gross;

and famish him of breath; if not of bread?


Paradise Lost Ⅻ4

canaan he now attains; i see his tents ' 135 '

pitcht about sechem; and the neighbouring plaine

of moreh; there by promise he receaves

gift to his progenie of all that land;

from hamath northward to the desert south

(things by thir names i call; though yet unnamd) ' 140 '

from hermon east to the great western sea;

mount hermon; yonder sea; each place behold

in prospect; as i point them; on the shoare

mount carmel; here the double…founted stream

jordan; true limit eastward; but his sons ' 145 '

shall dwell to senir; that long ridge of hills。

this ponder; that all nations of the earth

shall in his seed be blessed; by that seed

is meant thy great deliverer; who shall bruise

the serpents head; whereof to thee anon ' 150 '

plainlier shall be reveald。 this patriarch blest;

whom faithful abraham due time shall call;

a son; and of his son a grand…childe leaves;

like him in faith; in wisdom; and renown;

the grandchilde with twelve sons increast; departs ' 155 '

from canaan; to a land hereafter calld

egypt; divided by the river nile;

see where it flows; disgorging at seaven mouthes

into the sea: to sojourn in that land

he es invited by a yonger son ' 160 '

in time of dearth; a son whose worthy deeds

raise him to be the second in that realme

of pharao: there he dies; and leaves his race

growing into a nation; and now grown

suspected to a sequent king; who seeks ' 165 '

to stop thir overgrowth; as inmate guests

too numerous; whence of guests he makes them slaves

inhospitably; and kills thir infant males:

till by two brethren (those two brethren call

moses and aaron) sent from god to claime ' 170 '

his people from enthralment; they return

with glory and spoile back to thir promisd land。

。d xs 

Paradise Lost Ⅻ5

but first the lawless tyrant; who denies

to know thir god; or message to regard;

must be pelld by signes and judgements dire; ' 175 '

to blood unshed the rivers must be turnd;

frogs; lice and flies must all his palace fill

with loathd intrusion; and fill all the land;

his cattel must of rot and murren die;

botches and blaines must all his flesh imboss; ' 180 '

and all his people; thunder mixt with haile;

haile mixt with fire must rend th egyptian skie

and wheel on th earth; devouring where it rouls;

what it devours not; herb; or fruit; or graine;

a darksom cloud of locusts swarming down ' 185 '

must eat; and on the ground leave nothing green:

darkness must overshadow all his bounds;

palpable darkness; and blot out three dayes;

last with one midnight stroke all the first…born

of egypt must lie dead。 thus with ten wounds ' 190 '

the river…dragon tamd at length submits

to let his sojourners depart; a
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