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Paradise Lost Ⅻ-第2章

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the river…dragon tamd at length submits

to let his sojourners depart; and oft

humbles his stubborn heart; but still as ice

more hardnd after thaw; till in his rage

pursuing whom he late dismissd; the sea ' 195 '

swallows him with his host; but them lets pass

as on drie land between two christal walls;

awd by the rod of moses so to stand

divided; till his rescud gain thir shoar:

such wondrous power god to his saint will lend; ' 200 '

though present in his angel; who shall goe

before them in a cloud; and pillar of fire;

by day a cloud; by night a pillar of fire;

to guide them in thir journey; and remove

behinde them; while th obdurat king pursues: ' 205 '

all night he will pursue; but his approach

darkness defends between till morning watch;

then through the firey pillar and the cloud

god looking forth will trouble all his host

and craze thir chariot wheels: when by mand ' 210 '

moses once more his potent rod extends

over the sea; the sea his rod obeys;

on thir imbattelld ranks the waves return;

and overwhelm thir warr: the race elect

safe towards canaan from the shoar advance ' 215 '

through the wilde desert; not the readiest way;

least entring on the canaanite allarmd

warr terrifie them inexpert; and feare

return them back to egypt; choosing rather

inglorious life with servitude; for life ' 220 '

to noble and ignoble is more sweet

untraind in armes; where rashness leads not on。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ6

this also shall they gain by thir delay

in the wide wilderness; there they shall found

thir government; and thir great senate choose ' 225 '

through the twelve tribes; to rule by laws ordaind:

god from the mount of sinai; whose gray top

shall tremble; he descending; will himself

in thunder lightning and loud trumpets sound

ordaine them lawes; part such as appertaine ' 230 '

to civil justice; part religious rites

of sacrifice; informing them; by types

and shadowes; of that destind seed to bruise

the serpent; by what meanes he shall achieve

mankinds deliverance。 but the voice of god ' 235 '

to mortal eare is dreadful; they beseech

that moses might report to them his will;

and terror cease; he grants what they besaught

instructed that to god is no access

without mediator; whose high office now ' 240 '

moses in figure beares; to introduce

one greater; of whose day he shall foretell;

and all the prophets in thir age the times

of great messiah shall sing。 thus laws and rites

establisht; such delight hath god in men ' 245 '

obedient to his will; that he voutsafes

among them to set up his tabernacle;

the holy one with mortal men to dwell:

by his prescript a sanctuary is framd

of cedar; overlaid with gold; therein ' 250 '

an ark; and in the ark his testimony;

the records of his covnant; over these

a mercie…seat of gold between the wings

of two bright cherubim; before him burn

seaven lamps as in a zodiac representing ' 255 '

the heavnly fires; over the tent a cloud

shall rest by day; a fiery gleame by night;

save when they journie; and at length they e;

conducted by his angel to the land

promisd to abraham and his seed: the rest ' 260 '

were long to tell; how many battels fought;

how many kings destroyd; and kingdoms won;

or how the sun shall in mid heavn stand still

a day entire; and nights due course adjourne;

mans voice manding; sun in gibeon stand; ' 265 '

and thou moon in the vale of aialon;

till israel overe; so call the third

from abraham; son of isaac; and from him

his whole descent; who thus shall canaan win。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ7

here adam interposd。 o sent from heavn; ' 270 '

enlightner of my darkness; gracious things

thou hast reveald; those chiefly which concerne

just abraham and his seed: now first i finde

mine eyes true opning; and my heart much easd;

erwhile perplext with thoughts what would be ' 275 '

of mee and all mankind; but now i see

his day; in whom all nations shall be blest;

favour unmerited by me; who sought

forbiddn knowledge by forbiddn means。

this yet i apprehend not; why to those ' 280 '

among whom god will deigne to dwell on earth

so many and so various laws are givn;

so many laws argue so many sins

among them; how can god with such reside?

to whom thus michael。 doubt not but that sin ' 285 '

will reign among them; as of thee begot;

and therefore was law given them to evince

thir natural pravitie; by stirring up

sin against law to fight; that when they see

law can discover sin; but not remove; ' 290 '

save by those shadowie expiations weak;

the bloud of bulls and goats; they may conclude

some bloud more precious must be paid for man;

just for unjust; that in such righteousness

to them by faith imputed; they may finde ' 295 '

justification towards god; and peace

of conscience; which the law by ceremonies

cannot appease; nor man the moral part

perform; and not performing cannot live。

so law appears imperfet; and but givn ' 300 '

with purpose to resign them in full time

up to a better covnant; disciplind

from shadowie types to truth; from flesh to spirit;

from imposition of strict laws; to free

acceptance of large grace; from servil fear ' 305 '

to filial; works of law to works of faith。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ8

and therefore shall not moses; though of god

highly belovd; being but the minister

of law; his people into canaan lead;

but joshua whom the gentiles jesus call; ' 310 '

his name and office bearing; who shall quell

the adversarie serpent; and bring back

through the worlds wilderness long wanderd man

safe to eternal paradise of rest。

meanwhile they in thir earthly canaan plact ' 315 '

long time shall dwell and prosper; but when sins

national interrupt thir public peace;

provoking god to raise them enemies:

from whom as oft he saves them penitent

by judges first; then under kings; of whom ' 320 '

the second; both for pietie renownd

and puissant deeds; a promise shall receive

irrevocable; that his regal throne

for ever shall endure; the like shall sing

all prophecie; that of the royal stock ' 325 '

of david (so i name this king) shall rise

a son; the womans seed to thee foretold;

foretold to abraham; as in whom shall trust

all nations; and to kings foretold; of kings

the last; for of his reign shall be no end。 ' 330 '

but first a long succession must ensue;

and his next son for wealth and wisdom famd;

the clouded ark of god till then in tents

wandring; shall in a glorious temple enshrine。

such follow him; as shall be registerd ' 335 '

part good; part bad; of bad the longer scrowle;

whose foul idolatries; and other faults

heapt to the popular summe; will so incense

god; as to leave them; and expose thir land;

thir citie; his temple; and his holy ark ' 340 '

with all his sacred things; a scorn and prey

to that proud citie; whose high walls thou sawst

left in confusion; babylon thence calld。

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