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Paradise Lost Ⅻ-第3章

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to that proud citie; whose high walls thou sawst

left in confusion; babylon thence calld。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ9

there in captivitie he lets them dwell

the space of seventie years; then brings them back; ' 345 '

remembring mercie; and his covnant sworn

to david; stablisht as the dayes of heavn。

returnd from babylon by leave of kings

thir lords; whom god disposd; the house of god

they first re…edifie; and for a while ' 350 '

in mean estate live moderate; till grown

in wealth and multitude; factious they grow;

but first among the priests dissension springs;

men who attend the altar; and should most

endeavour peace: thir strife pollution brings ' 355 '

upon the temple it self: at last they seise

the scepter; and regard not davids sons;

then loose it to a stranger; that the true

anointed king messiah might be born

barrd of his right; yet at his birth a starr ' 360 '

unseen before in heavn proclaims him ;

and guides the eastern sages; who enquire

his place; to offer incense; myrrh; and gold;

his place of birth a solemn angel tells

to simple shepherds; keeping watch by night; ' 365 '

they gladly thither haste; and by a quire

of squadrond angels hear his carol sung。

a virgin is his mother; but his sire

the power of the most high; he shall ascend

the throne hereditarie; and bound his reign ' 370 '

with earths wide bounds; his glory with the heavns。

he ceasd; discerning adam with such joy

surchargd; as had like grief bin dewd in tears;

without the vent of words; which these he breathd。

o prophet of glad tidings; finisher ' 375 '

of utmost hope! now clear i understand

what oft my steddiest thoughts have searcht in vain;

why our great expectation should be calld

the seed of woman: virgin mother; haile;

high in the love of heavn; yet from my loynes ' 380 '

thou shalt proceed; and from thy womb the son

of god most high; so god with man unites。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ10

needs must the serpent now his capital bruise

expect with mortal paine: say where and when

thir fight; what stroke shall bruise the victors heel ' 385 '。

to whom thus michael。 dream not of thir fight;

as of a duel; or the local wounds

of head or heel: not therefore joynes the son

manhood to god…head; with more strength to foil

thy enemie; nor so is overe ' 390 '

satan; whose fall from heavn; a deadlier bruise;

disabld not to give thee thy deaths wound:

which hee; who es thy saviour; shall recure;

not by destroying satan; but his works

in thee and in thy seed: nor can this be; ' 395 '

but by fulfilling that which thou didst want;

obedience to the law of god; imposd

on penaltie of death; and suffering death;

the penaltie to thy transgression due;

and due to theirs which out of thine will grow: ' 400 '

so onely can high justice rest appaid。

the law of god exact he shall fulfill

both by obedience and by love; though love

alone fulfill the law; thy punishment

he shall endure by ing in the flesh ' 405 '

to a reproachful life and cursed death;

proclaiming life to all who shall believe

in his redemption; and that his obedience

imputed bees theirs by faith; his merits

to save them; not thir own; though legal works。 ' 410 '

for this he shall live hated; be blasphemd;

seisd on by force; judgd; and to death condemnd

a shameful and accurst; naild to the cross

by his own nation; slaine for bringing life;

but to the cross he nailes thy enemies; ' 415 '

the law that is against thee; and the sins

of all mankinde; with him there crucifid;

never to hurt them more who rightly trust

in this his satisfaction; so he dies;

but soon revives; death over him no power ' 420 '

shall long usurp; ere the third dawning light

returne; the starres of morn shall see him rise

out of his grave; fresh as the dawning light;

thy ransom paid; which man from death redeems;

his death for man; as many as offerd life ' 425 '

neglect not; and the benefit imbrace

by faith not void of workes: this god…like act

annuls thy doom; the death thou shouldst have dyd;

in sin for ever lost from life; this act

shall bruise the head of satan; crush his strength ' 430 '

defeating sin and death; his two maine armes;

and fix farr deeper in his head thir stings

then temporal death shall bruise the victors heel;

or theirs whom he redeems; a death like sleep;

a gentle wafting to immortal life。 ' 435 '

nor after resurrection shall he stay

longer on earth then certaine times to appeer

to his disciples; men who in his life

still followd him; to them shall leave in charge

to teach all nations what of him they learnd ' 440 '

and his salvation; them who shall beleeve

baptizing in the profluent streame; the signe

of washing them from guilt of sin to life

pure; and in mind prepard; if so befall;

for death; like that which the redeemer dyd。 ' 445 '

all nations they shall teach; for from that day

not onely to the sons of abrahams loines

salvation shall be preacht; but to the sons

of abrahams faith wherever through the world;

so in his seed all nations shall be blest。 ' 450 '


Paradise Lost Ⅻ11

then to the heavn of heavns he shall ascend

with victory; triumphing through the aire

over his foes and thine; there shall surprise

the serpent; prince of aire; and drag in chaines

through all his realme; and there confounded leave; ' 455 '

then enter into glory; and resume

his seat at gods right hand; exalted high

above all names in heavn; and thence shall e;

when this worlds dissolution shall be ripe;

with glory and power to judge both quick and dead ' 460 '

to judge th unfaithful dead; but to reward

his faithful; and receave them into bliss;

whether in heavn or earth; for then the earth

shall all be paradise; far happier place

then this of eden; and far happier daies。 ' 465 '

so spake th archangel michael; then pausd;

as at the worlds great period; and our sire

replete with joy and wonder thus replid。

o goodness infinite; goodness immense!

that all this good of evil shall produce; ' 470 '

and evil turn to good; more wonderful

then that which by creation first brought forth

light out of darkness! full of doubt i stand;

whether i should repent me now of sin

by mee done and occasiond; or rejoyce ' 475 '

much more; that much more good thereof shall spring;

to god more glory; more good will to men

from god; and over wrauth grace shall abound。

but say; if our deliverer up to heavn

must reascend; what will betide the few ' 480 '

his faithful; left among th unfaithful herd;

the enemies of truth; who then shall guide

his people; who defend? will they not deale

wors with his followers then with him they dealt?

。d xs 

Paradise Lost Ⅻ12

be sure they will; said th angel; but from heavn ' 485 '

hee to his own a forter will send;

the promise of the father; who shall dwell

his spirit within them; and the law of faith

working through love; upon thir 
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