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The Secret Rose-第17章

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he would have followed; and was calling out her name; when the whole glimmering pany rose up into the air; and; rushing together in the shape of a great silvery rose; faded into the ashen dawn。

costello got up from the grave; understanding nothing but that he had made his beloved angry and that she wished him to go; and wading out into the lake; began to swim。 he swam on and on; but his limbs were too weary to keep him afloat; and her anger was heavy about him; and when he had gone a little way he sank without a struggle; like a man passing into sleep and dreams。

the next day a poor fisherman found him among the reeds upon the lake shore; lying upon the white lake sand with his arms flung out as though he lay upon a rood; and carried him to his own house。 and the very poor lamented over him and sang the keen; and when the time had e; laid him in the abbey on insula trinitatis with only the ruined altar between him and dermotts daughter; and planted above them two ash?trees that in after days wove their branches together and mingled their trembling leaves。


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