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Paradise Lost Ⅶ-第5章

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of godhead; fixt for ever firm and sure;

the filial power arrivd; and sate him down

with his great father (for he also went

invisible; yet staid; such priviledge

hath omnipresence) and the work ordaind; ' 590 '

author and end of all things; and from work

now resting; blessd and hallowd the seavnth day;

as resting on that day from all his work;

but not in silence holy kept; the harp

had work and rested not; the solemn pipe; ' 595 '

and dulcimer; all organs of sweet stop;

all sounds on fret by string or golden wire

temperd soft tunings; intermixt with voice

choral or unison; of incense clouds

fuming from golden censers hid the mount。 ' 600 '

creation and the six dayes acts they sung;

great are thy works; jehovah; infinite

thy power; what thought can measure thee or tongue

relate thee; greater now in thy return

then from the giant angels; thee that day ' 605 '

thy thunders magnifid; but to create

is greater then created to destroy。


Paradise Lost Ⅶ13

who can impair thee; mighty king; or bound

thy empire? easily the proud attempt

of spirits apostat and thir counsels vaine ' 610 '

thou hast repeld; while impiously they thought

thee to diminish; and from thee withdraw

the number of thy worshippers。 who seekes

to lessen thee; against his purpose serves

to manifest the more thy might: his evil ' 615 '

thou usest; and from thence creatst more good。

witness this new…made world; another heavn

from heaven gate not farr; founded in view

on the cleer hyaline; the glassie sea;

of amplitude almost immense; with starrs ' 620 '

numerous; and every starr perhaps a world

of destind habitation; but thou knowst

thir seasons: among these the seat of men;

earth with her nether ocean circumfusd;

thir pleasant dwelling place。 thrice happie men; ' 625 '

and sons of men; whom god hath thus advanct;

created in his image; there to dwell

and worship him; and in reward to rule

over his works; on earth; in sea; or air;

and multiply a race of worshippers ' 630 '

holy and just: thrice happie if they know

thir happiness; and persevere upright。

so sung they; and the empyrean rung;

with halleluiahs: thus was sabbath kept。

and thy request think now fulfilld; that askd ' 635 '

how first this world and face of things began;

and what before thy memorie was don

from the beginning; that posteritie

informd by thee might know; if else thou seekst

aught; not surpassing human measure; say。 ' 640 '

the end of the seventh book。


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