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Synge And The Ireland Of His Time-第9章

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t the queens theatre; dublin; and he delighted to see how the members of the pany could by the vehemence of their movements and the resources of their voices hold your attention on a play where everything was monplace。 he enjoyed seeing the contrite villain of the piece e up from the bottom of the gulch; hurled there by the adventuress; and flash his sweating blood?stained face up against the footlights; and; though he told us he had but a few short moments to live; roar his contrition with the voice of a bull。

synge had travelled a great deal in italy in tracks he beat out for himself; and in germany and in france; but he only occasionally spoke to me about these places。 i think the irish peasant had all his heart。 he loved them in the east as well as he loved them in the west; but the western men on the aran islands and in the blaskets fitted in with his humour more than any; the wild things they did and said were a joy to him。

synge was by spirit well equipped for the roads。 though his health was often bad; he had beating under his ribs a brave heart that carried him over rough tracks。 he gathered about him very little gear; and cared nothing for fort except perhaps that of a good turf fire。 he was; though young in years; an old dog for a hard road and not a young pup for a tow?path。

he loved mad scenes。 he told me how once at the fair of tralee he saw an old tinker?woman taken by the police; and she was struggling with them in the centre of the fair; when suddenly; as if her garments were held  together with one cord; she hurled every shred of clothing from her; ran down the street and screamed; let this be the barrack yard; which was perfectly understood by the crowd as suggesting that the police strip and beat their prisoners when they get them shut in; in the barrack yard。 the young men laughed; but the old men hurried after the naked fleeting figure trying to throw her clothes on her as she ran。

but all wild sights appealed to synge; he did not care whether they were typical of anything else or had any symbolical meaning at all。 if he had lived in the days of piracy he would have been the fiddler in a pirate?

schooner; him they called the music?? the music looked on at every thing with dancing eyes but drew no sword; and when the schooner was taken and the pirates hung at cape corso castle or the island of saint christophers; the music was spared because he was the music。

jack b。 yeats


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