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Dear little Fish-第1章

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Dear little Fish

dear little fish; i love you so

i’ll feed you bread so you will grow。

each day; i’ll give you one sweet kiss

and promise you i’ll never miss!

but on the day ; my dear little fish;

you grow too big for your small dish。

i will take you to the sea;

and in one move; i’ll let you free。

how you’ll be so glad to go;

but dear little fish; i’ll miss you so。

i will wait all through the day

to see if you turn’ round this way。

and i will wait all trough the night;

to see if you e back in sight。

oh! i will throw my only hat

to see if you will bring it back

and the first joy that i will see;

is when you bring it home to me。

your back will be my favourite boat;

and together we will sail and float。

over the river and cross’ the sea;

to a small island with a palm tree。

there we will both live and play;

“catch the hat” by night and day。

and i will know your love for me

for you came home when i set you free。


My friend the Moon

alone at sea in the indaco night;

i found a moon slumbering tight。

i called out his name so his dreaming would end;

“dear mr。 moon; would you be my friend?”

he happily came right down to my boat;

“how oddly; “ he said; “you keep you afloat。”

“i am swinging on a star;

and i think it much better; much better by far!”

and the moon began to rock and sway;

to show he had a better way。

he even did a great back flip;

which had always been his favourite trick。

but then string tore with a snap!

“oh dear!” i cried; “what a mishap!”

he fell right down in a quick flash;

and hit the water with a splash!

he began to sink and did not stop;

til all i saw his moon…top。

but then he showed a great knack;

for floating up on to his back。

but i could not just watch him float;

so helped him up into my boat。

i took my towel and dried him off;

so that he would not catch a cough。

and then i began to row to shore;

so that he could dry some more。

and somehow got him trough the door;

with a touch of magic to be sure!

then we sat and sang together;

“lady blue”


“stormy weather。”

and how we twirled all night;

just me and moon; what a sight!

we danced until our feet were sore;

we danced until we could no more。

then we sat and read a book;

and mr。 moon loughed’till his belly shook。

we cooked together; then ate a bite;

and wished each other a fond “goodnight”

and while he slept i sailed again;

to see if i could find another friend;

in the middle of the sea;

mr。 sun smiled down to me。

my new friends woke to find each other;

as friend and friend; brother and brother。

and together we now live and play;

day and night; night and day!


Goodnight Little Moon

high up above in the blue starry sky;

the moon read two birds a soft lullaby。

soon one by one they drifted to sleep;

‘til there wasn’t a chirp or one little cheep。 

when the moon saw they both were at rest;

he took his big book and covered their nest。

the moon tiptoed back into the dark night;

to keep his sweet chicks safely in sight。 

but later that eve; the little moon heard;

the twitter and chirp of a new baby bird。

and as he crept to the nest for a peak;

the little moon saw a third chirping beak!

why; they weren’t asleep。

not a single; sole one!

they were laughing and playing and having such fun。

now the little moon was so glad that he came;

and climbed in the nest for a little bird game。 

but soon the moon had a very great thirst;

and wanted to have a little drink first。

the three baby birds found a bottle to spare; 

and filled it with milk for the four to share。

but the moon was so thirsty he took a big sip;

and as he leaned back; he started to slip! 

he stumbled and tumbled right over the brink;

before he could grab on; before he could blink!

and before his new friends could count up to three;

the moon fell right back; right out of the tree!

he dropped like a stone through the dark starry sky;

and the little birds hoped he knew how to fly。

but the moon hit the hard earth right on his back;

and the three little birds heard a great “craaaack!”

one piece flew left and the other flew right;

‘til the poor little moon was nowhere in sight。 

the three little birds flew down to the ground;

and saw him all shattered and scattered around。 

why the poor little moon couldn’t whimper or yelp;

so the three little birds called out for some help!

and soon from the sky came all their fine friends;

to piece him together and help make amends。

together they found each little moon part;

and mended him up with love and with heart。

gently they held him and lifted with care;

and carried him high up; high up in the air。

the three little birds flew back to their nest;

and lay the moon down to get some good rest。 

and as the moon drifted so softly to sleep;

he heard a sweet chirping; a soft little cheep。

for the three little birds read a sweet lullaby;

high up above; in the blue starry sky。 

andré dahan


high above in the starlit sky; the moon lulls two birds gently to sleep。

but with the arrival of a new little chick; bedtime seems far away。

the moon and his three little friends laugh and play throughout the night。

but soon a humpty dumpty mishap ends their games。

now; the little birds must help piece the moon together and get him safely to bed。

with its enchanting imagery and adorable; rhythmic text; goodnight little moon continues andré dahan’s grand tradition of irresistible bedtime stories。

dahan perfectly blends vivid imagination with the warmth of true friendship。 in bold and bewitching color; dahan captures the magic of this unlikely friendship with tenderness; warmth; and wit。

a perfect lullaby for the young and young at heart alike。

andré dahan is an international award…winning painter; illustrator; and author of several children’s books。

the world of art enters his work; inviting the reader to seek adventure and understanding in his vivid color and surreal portraits。

andré dahan speaks tenderness and friendship; while giving rise to a smile when least expected。 dahan lives in paris with his wife and daughter。

。d  。

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