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appreciated some day〃; and he sank down a little deeper into the


after some time a large white duck swam up to him。  she had yellow

legs; and webbed feet; and was considered a great beauty on account

of her waddle。

〃quack; quack; quack;〃 she said。  〃what a curious shape you are!

may i ask were you born like that; or is it the result of an


〃it is quite evident that you have always lived in the country;〃

answered the rocket; 〃otherwise you would know who i am。  however;

i excuse your ignorance。  it would be unfair to expect other people

to be as remarkable as oneself。  you will no doubt be surprised to

hear that i can fly up into the sky; and e down in a shower of

golden rain。〃

〃i dont think much of that;〃 said the duck; 〃as i cannot see what

use it is to any one。  now; if you could plough the fields like the

ox; or draw a cart like the horse; or look after the sheep like the

collie…dog; that would be something。〃

〃my good creature;〃 cried the rocket in a very haughty tone of

voice; 〃i see that you belong to the lower orders。  a person of my

position is never useful。  we have certain acplishments; and

that is more than sufficient。  i have no sympathy myself with

industry of any kind; least of all with such industries as you seem

to remend。  indeed; i have always been of opinion that hard work

is simply the refuge of people who have nothing whatever to do。〃

〃well; well;〃 said the duck; who was of a very peaceable

disposition; and never quarrelled with any one; 〃everybody has

different tastes。  i hope; at any rate; that you are going to take

up your residence here。〃

〃oh! dear no;〃 cried the rocket。  〃i am merely a visitor; a

distinguished visitor。  the fact is that i find this place rather

tedious。  there is neither society here; nor solitude。  in fact; it

is essentially suburban。  i shall probably go back to court; for i

know that i am destined to make a sensation in the world。〃

〃i had thoughts of entering public life once myself;〃 remarked the

duck; 〃there are so many things that need reforming。  indeed; i

took the chair at a meeting some time ago; and we passed

resolutions condemning everything that we did not like。  however;

they did not seem to have much effect。  now i go in for

domesticity; and look after my family。〃

〃i am made for public life;〃 said the rocket; 〃and so are all my

relations; even the humblest of them。  whenever we appear we excite

great attention。  i have not actually appeared myself; but when i

do so it will be a magnificent sight。  as for domesticity; it ages

one rapidly; and distracts ones mind from higher things。〃

〃ah! the higher things of life; how fine they are!〃 said the duck;

〃and that reminds me how hungry i feel〃:  and she swam away down

the stream; saying; 〃quack; quack; quack。〃

〃e back! e back!〃 screamed the rocket; 〃i have a great deal

to say to you〃; but the duck paid no attention to him。  〃i am glad

that she has gone;〃 he said to himself; 〃she has a decidedly

middle…class mind〃; and he sank a little deeper still into the mud;

and began to think about the loneliness of genius; when suddenly

two little boys in white smocks came running down the bank; with a

kettle and some faggots。

〃this must be the deputation;〃 said the rocket; and he tried to

look very dignified。

〃hallo!〃 cried one of the boys; 〃look at this old stick!  i wonder

how it came here〃; and he picked the rocket out of the ditch。

〃old stick!〃 said the rocket; 〃impossible!  gold stick; that is

what he said。  gold stick is very plimentary。  in fact; he

mistakes me for one of the court dignitaries!〃

〃let us put it into the fire!〃 said the other boy; 〃it will help to

boil the kettle。〃

so they piled the faggots together; and put the rocket on top; and

lit the fire。

〃this is magnificent;〃 cried the rocket; 〃they are going to let me

off in broad day…light; so that every one can see me。〃

〃we will go to sleep now;〃 they said; 〃and when we wake up the

kettle will be boiled〃; and they lay down on the grass; and shut

their eyes。

the rocket was very damp; so he took a long time to burn。  at last;

however; the fire caught him。

〃now i am going off!〃 he cried; and he made himself very stiff and

straight。  〃i know i shall go much higher than the stars; much

higher than the moon; much higher than the sun。  in fact; i shall

go so high that … 〃

fizz! fizz! fizz! and he went straight up into the air。

〃delightful!〃 he cried; 〃i shall go on like this for ever。  what a

success i am!〃

but nobody saw him。

then he began to feel a curious tingling sensation all over him。

〃now i am going to explode;〃 he cried。  〃i shall set the whole

world on fire; and make such a noise that nobody will talk about

anything else for a whole year。〃  and he certainly did explode。

bang! bang! bang! went the gunpowder。  there was no doubt about it。

but nobody heard him; not even the two little boys; for they were

sound asleep。

then all that was left of him was the stick; and this fell down on

the back of a goose who was taking a walk by the side of the ditch。

〃good heavens!〃 cried the goose。  〃it is going to rain sticks〃; and

she rushed into the water。

〃i knew i should create a great sensation;〃 gasped the rocket; and

he went out。



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