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e; or something。〃

〃i am not surprised。〃

〃then he asked me if i wrote for any of the newspapers。 i told him i never even read them。 he seemed terribly disappointed at that; and confided to me that all the dramatic critics were in a conspiracy against him; and that they were every one of them to be bought。〃

〃i should not wonder if he was quite right there。 but; on the other hand; judging from their appearance; most of them cannot be at all expensive。〃

〃well; he seemed to think they were beyond his means;〃 laughed dorian。 〃by this time; however; the lights were being put out in the theatre; and i had to go。 he wanted me to try some cigars that he strongly remended。 i declined。 the next night; of course; i arrived at the place again。 when he saw me; he made me a low bow and assured me that i was a munificent patron of art。 he was a most offensive brute; though he had an extraordinary passion for shakespeare。 he told me once; with an air of pride; that his five bankruptcies were entirely due to the bard; as he insisted on calling him。 he seemed to think it a distinction。〃

〃it was a distinction; my dear dorian……a great distinction。 most people bee bankrupt through having invested too heavily in the prose of life。 to have ruined ones self over poetry is an honour。 but when did you first speak to miss sibyl vane?〃

〃the third night。 she had been playing rosalind。 i could not help going round。 i had thrown her some flowers; and she had looked at me……at least i fancied that she had。 the old jew was persistent。 he seemed determined to take me behind; so i consented。 it was curious my not wanting to know her; wasnt it?〃

〃no; i dont think so。〃

〃my dear harry; why?〃

〃i will tell you some other time。 now i want to know about the girl。〃

〃sibyl? oh; she was so shy and so gentle。 there is something of a child about her。 her eyes opened wide in exquisite wonder when i told her what i thought of her performance; and she seemed quite unconscious of her power。 i think we were both rather nervous。 the old jew stood grinning at the doorway of the dusty greenroom; making elaborate speeches about us both; while we stood looking at each other like children。 he would insist on calling me my lord; so i had to assure sibyl that i was not anything of the kind。 she said quite simply to me; you look more like a prince。 i must call you prince charming。〃

〃upon my word; dorian; miss sibyl knows how to pay pliments。〃

〃you dont understand her; harry。 she regarded me merely as a person in a play。 she knows nothing of life。 she lives with her mother; a faded tired woman who played lady capulet in a sort of magenta dressing…wrapper on the first night; and looks as if she had seen better days。〃

〃i know that look。 it depresses me;〃 murmured lord henry; examining his rings。

〃the jew wanted to tell me her history; but i said it did not interest me。〃

〃you were quite right。 there is always something infinitely mean about other peoples tragedies。〃

〃sibyl is the only thing i care about。 what is it to me where she came from? from her little head to her little feet; she is absolutely and entirely divine。 every night of my life i go to see her act; and every night she is more marvellous。〃

〃that is the reason; i suppose; that you never dine with me now。 i thought you must have some curious romance on hand。 you have; but it is not quite what i expected。〃

〃my dear harry; we either lunch or sup together every day; and i have been to the opera with you several times;〃 said dorian; opening his blue eyes in wonder。

〃you always e dreadfully late。〃

〃well; i cant help going to see sibyl play;〃 he cried; 〃even if it is only for a single act。 i get hungry for her presence; and when i think of the wonderful soul that is hidden away in that little ivory body; i am filled with awe。〃

〃you can dine with me to…night; dorian; cant you?〃

he shook his head。 〃to…night she is imogen;〃 he answered; 〃and to…morrow night she will be juliet。〃

〃when is she sibyl vane?〃


〃i congratulate you。〃

〃how horrid you are! she is all the great heroines of the world in one。 she is more than an individual。 you laugh; but i tell you she has genius。 i love her; and i must make her love me。 you; who know all the secrets of life; tell me how to charm sibyl vane to love me! i want to make romeo jealous。 i want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter and grow sad。 i want a breath of our passion to stir their dust into consciousness; to wake their ashes into pain。 my god; harry; how i worship her!〃 he was walking up and down the room as he spoke。 hectic spots of red burned on his cheeks。 he was terribly excited。

lord henry watched him with a subtle sense of pleasure。 how different he was now from the shy frightened boy he had met in basil hallwards studio! his nature had developed like a flower; had borne blossoms of scarlet flame。 out of its secret hiding…place had crept his soul; and desire had e to meet it on the way。

〃and what do you propose to do?〃 said lord henry at last。

〃i want you and basil to e with me some night and see her act。 i have not the slightest fear of the result。 you are certain to acknowledge her genius。 then we must get her out of the jews hands。 she is bound to him for three years……at least for two years and eight months…… from the present time。 i shall have to pay him something; of course。 when all that is settled; i shall take a west end theatre and bring her out properly。 she will make the world as mad as she has made me。〃

〃that would be impossible; my dear boy。〃

〃yes; she will。 she has not merely art; consummate art…instinct; in her; but she has personality also; and you have often told me that it is personalities; not principles; that move the age。〃

〃well; what night shall we go?〃

〃let me see。 to…day is tuesday。 let us fix to…morrow。 she plays juliet to…morrow。〃

〃all right。 the bristol at eight oclock; and i will get basil。〃

〃not eight; harry; please。 half…past six。 we must be there before the curtain rises。 you must see her in the first act; where she meets romeo。〃

〃half…past six! what an hour! it will be like having a meat…tea; or reading an english novel。 it must be seven。 no gentleman dines before seven。 shall you see basil between this and then? or shall i write to him?〃

〃dear basil! i have not laid eyes on him for a week。 it is rather horrid of me; as he has sent me my portrait in the most wonderful frame; specially designed by himself; and; though i am a little jealous of the picture for being a whole month younger than i am; i must admit that i delight in it。 perhaps you had better write to him。 i dont want to see him alone。 he says things that annoy me。 he gives me good advice。〃

lord henry smiled。 〃people are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves。 it is what i call the depth of generosity。〃

〃oh; basil is the best of fellows; but he seems to me to be just a bit of a philistine。 since i have known you; harry; i have discovered that。〃

〃basil; my dear boy; puts everything that is charming in him into his work。 the consequence is that he has nothing left for life but his prejudices; his principles; and his mon sense。 the only artists i have eve
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