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〃by marrying sibyl vane。〃

〃marrying sibyl vane!〃 cried lord henry; standing up and looking at him in perplexed amazement。 〃but; my dear dorian……〃

〃yes; harry; i know what you are going to say。 something dreadful about marriage。 dont say it。 dont ever say things of that kind to me again。 two days ago i asked sibyl to marry me。 i am not going to break my word to her。 she is to be my wife。〃

〃your wife! dorian! 。 。 。 didnt you get my letter? i wrote to you this morning; and sent the note down by my own man。〃

〃your letter? oh; yes; i remember。 i have not read it yet; harry。 i was afraid there might be something in it that i wouldnt like。 you cut life to pieces with your epigrams。〃

〃you know nothing then?〃

〃what do you mean?〃

lord henry walked across the room; and sitting down by dorian gray; took both his hands in his own and held them tightly。 〃dorian;〃 he said; 〃my letter……dont be frightened……was to tell you that sibyl vane is dead。〃

a cry of pain broke from the lads lips; and he leaped to his feet; tearing his hands away from lord henrys grasp。 〃dead! sibyl dead! it is not true! it is a horrible lie! how dare you say it?〃

〃it is quite true; dorian;〃 said lord henry; gravely。 〃it is in all the morning papers。 i wrote down to you to ask you not to see any one till i came。 there will have to be an inquest; of course; and you must not be mixed up in it。 things like that make a man fashionable in paris。 but in london people are so prejudiced。 here; one should never make ones début with a scandal。 one should reserve that to give an interest to ones old age。 i suppose they dont know your name at the theatre? if they dont; it is all right。 did any one see you going round to her room? that is an important point。〃

dorian did not answer for a few moments。 he was dazed with horror。 finally he stammered; in a stifled voice; 〃harry; did you say an inquest? what did you mean by that? did sibyl……? oh; harry; i cant bear it! but be quick。 tell me everything at once。〃

〃i have no doubt it was not an accident; dorian; though it must be put in that way to the public。 it seems that as she was leaving the theatre with her mother; about half…past twelve or so; she said she had forgotten something upstairs。 they waited some time for her; but she did not e down again。 they ultimately found her lying dead on the floor of her dressing…room。 she had swallowed something by mistake; some dreadful thing they use at theatres。 i dont know what it was; but it had either prussic acid or white lead in it。 i should fancy it was prussic acid; as she seems to have died instantaneously。〃

〃harry; harry; it is terrible!〃 cried the lad。

〃yes; it is very tragic; of course; but you must not get yourself mixed up in it。 i see by the standard that she was seventeen。 i should have thought she was almost younger than that。 she looked such a child; and seemed to know so little about acting。 dorian; you mustnt let this thing get on your nerves。 you must e and dine with me; and afterwards we will look in at the opera。 it is a patti night; and everybody will be there。 you can e to my sisters box。 she has got some smart women with her。〃

〃so i have murdered sibyl vane;〃 said dorian gray; half to himself; 〃murdered her as surely as if i had cut her little throat with a knife。 yet the roses are not less lovely for all that。 the birds sing just as happily in my garden。 and to…night i am to dine with you; and then go on to the opera; and sup somewhere; i suppose; afterwards。 how extraordinarily dramatic life is! if i had read all this in a book; harry; i think i would have wept over it。 somehow; now that it has happened actually; and to me; it seems far too wonderful for tears。 here is the first passionate love…letter i have ever written in my life。 strange; that my first passionate love…letter should have been addressed to a dead girl。 can they feel; i wonder; those white silent people we call the dead? sibyl! can she feel; or know; or listen? oh; harry; how i loved her once! it seems years ago to me now。 she was everything to me。 then came that dreadful night……was it really only last night?…… when she played so badly; and my heart almost broke。 she explained it all to me。 it was terribly pathetic。 but i was not moved a bit。 i thought her shallow。 suddenly something happened that made me afraid。 i cant tell you what it was; but it was terrible。 i said i would go back to her。 i felt i had done wrong。 and now she is dead。 my god! my god! harry; what shall i do? you dont know the danger i am in; and there is nothing to keep me straight。 she would have done that for me。 she had no right to kill herself。 it was selfish of her。〃

〃my dear dorian;〃 answered lord henry; taking a cigarette from his case and producing a gold…latten matchbox; 〃the only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so pletely that he loses all possible interest in life。 if you had married this girl; you would have been wretched。 of course; you would have treated her kindly。 one can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing。 but she would have soon found out that you were absolutely indifferent to her。 and when a woman finds that out about her husband; she either bees dreadfully dowdy; or wears very smart bonnets that some other womans husband has to pay for。 i say nothing about the social mistake; which would have been abject……which; of course; i would not have allowed…… but i assure you that in any case the whole thing would have been an absolute failure。〃

〃i suppose it would;〃 muttered the lad; walking up and down the room and looking horribly pale。 〃but i thought it was my duty。 it is not my fault that this terrible tragedy has prevented my doing what was right。 i remember your saying once that there is a fatality about good resolutions……that they are always made too late。 mine certainly were。〃 〃good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws。 their origin is pure vanity。 their result is absolutely nil。 they give us; now and then; some of those luxurious sterile emotions that have a certain charm for the weak。 that is all that can be said for them。 they are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where they have no account。〃

〃harry;〃 cried dorian gray; ing over and sitting down beside him; 〃why is it that i cannot feel this tragedy as much as i want to? i dont think i am heartless。 do you?〃

〃you have done too many foolish things during the last fortnight to be entitled to give yourself that name; dorian;〃 answered lord henry with his sweet melancholy smile。

the lad frowned。 〃i dont like that explanation; harry;〃 he rejoined; 〃but i am glad you dont think i am heartless。 i am nothing of the kind。 i know i am not。 and yet i must admit that this thing that has happened does not affect me as it should。 it seems to me to be simply like a wonderful ending to a wonderful play。 it has all the terrible beauty of a greek tragedy; a tragedy in which i took a great part; but by which i have not been wounded。〃

〃it is an interesting question;〃 said lord henry; who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lads unconscious egotism; 〃an extremely interesting question。 i fancy that the true explanation is this: it often happens 
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