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as he thought of it; a sharp pang of pain struck through him like a knife and made each delicate fibre of his nature quiver。 his eyes deepened into amethyst; and across them came a mist of tears。 he felt as if a hand of ice had been laid upon his heart。

〃dont you like it?〃 cried hallward at last; stung a little by the lads silence; not understanding what it meant。

〃of course he likes it;〃 said lord henry。 〃who wouldnt like it? it is one of the greatest things in modern art。 i will give you anything you like to ask for it。 i must have it。〃

〃it is not my property; harry。〃

〃whose property is it?〃

〃dorians; of course;〃 answered the painter。

〃he is a very lucky fellow。〃

〃how sad it is!〃 murmured dorian gray with his eyes still fixed upon his own portrait。 〃how sad it is! i shall grow old; and horrible; and dreadful。 but this picture will remain always young。 it will never be older than this particular day of june。 。 。 。 if it were only the other way! if it were i who was to be always young; and the picture that was to grow old! for that……for that……i would give everything! yes; there is nothing in the whole world i would not give! i would give my soul for that!〃

〃you would hardly care for such an arrangement; basil;〃 cried lord henry; laughing。 〃it would be rather hard lines on your work。〃

〃i should object very strongly; harry;〃 said hallward。

dorian gray turned and looked at him。 〃i believe you would; basil。 you like your art better than your friends。 i am no more to you than a green bronze figure。 hardly as much; i dare say。〃

the painter stared in amazement。 it was so unlike dorian to speak like that。 what had happened? he seemed quite angry。 his face was flushed and his cheeks burning。

〃yes;〃 he continued; 〃i am less to you than your ivory hermes or your silver faun。 you will like them always。 how long will you like me? till i have my first wrinkle; i suppose。 i know; now; that when one loses ones good looks; whatever they may be; one loses everything。 your picture has taught me that。 lord henry wotton is perfectly right。 youth is the only thing worth having。 when i find that i am growing old; i shall kill myself。〃

hallward turned pale and caught his hand。 〃dorian! dorian!〃 he cried; 〃dont talk like that。 i have never had such a friend as you; and i shall never have such another。 you are not jealous of material things; are you?…… you who are finer than any of them!〃

〃i am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die。 i am jealous of the portrait you have painted of me。 why should it keep what i must lose? every moment that passes takes something from me and gives something to it。 oh; if it were only the other way! if the picture could change; and i could be always what i am now! why did you paint it? it will mock me some day……mock me horribly!〃 the hot tears welled into his eyes; he tore his hand away and; flinging himself on the divan; he buried his face in the cushions; as though he was praying。

〃this is your doing; harry;〃 said the painter bitterly。

lord henry shrugged his shoulders。 〃it is the real dorian gray…… that is all。〃

〃it is not。〃

〃if it is not; what have i to do with it?〃

〃you should have gone away when i asked you;〃 he muttered。

〃i stayed when you asked me;〃 was lord henrys answer。

〃harry; i cant quarrel with my two best friends at once; but between you both you have made me hate the finest piece of work i have ever done; and i will destroy it。 what is it but canvas and colour? i will not let it e across our three lives and mar them。〃

dorian gray lifted his golden head from the pillow; and with pallid face and tear…stained eyes; looked at him as he walked over to the deal painting…table that was set beneath the high curtained window。 what was he doing there? his fingers were straying about among the litter of tin tubes and dry brushes; seeking for something。 yes; it was for the long palette…knife; with its thin blade of lithe steel。 he had found it at last。 he was going to rip up the canvas。

with a stifled sob the lad leaped from the couch; and; rushing over to hallward; tore the knife out of his hand; and flung it to the end of the studio。 〃dont; basil; dont!〃 he cried。 〃it would be murder!〃

〃i am glad you appreciate my work at last; dorian;〃 said the painter coldly when he had recovered from his surprise。 〃i never thought you would。〃

〃appreciate it? i am in love with it; basil。 it is part of myself。 i feel that。〃

〃well; as soon as you are dry; you shall be varnished; and framed; and sent home。 then you can do what you like with yourself。〃 and he walked across the room and rang the bell for tea。 〃you will have tea; of course; dorian? and so will you; harry? or do you object to such simple pleasures?〃

〃i adore simple pleasures;〃 said lord henry。 〃they are the last refuge of the plex。 but i dont like scenes; except on the stage。 what absurd fellows you are; both of you! i wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal。 it was the most premature definition ever given。 man is many things; but he is not rational。 i am glad he is not; after all…… though i wish you chaps would not squabble over the picture。 you had much better let me have it; basil。 this silly boy doesnt really want it; and i really do。〃

〃if you let any one have it but me; basil; i shall never forgive you!〃 cried dorian gray; 〃and i dont allow people to call me a silly boy。〃

〃you know the picture is yours; dorian。 i gave it to you before it existed。〃

〃and you know you have been a little silly; mr。 gray; and that you dont really object to being reminded that you are extremely young。〃

〃i should have objected very strongly this morning; lord henry。〃

〃ah! this morning! you have lived since then。〃

there came a knock at the door; and the butler entered with a laden tea…tray and set it down upon a small japanese table。 there was a rattle of cups and saucers and the hissing of a fluted georgian urn。 two globe…shaped china dishes were brought in by a page。 dorian gray went over and poured out the tea。 the two men sauntered languidly to the table and examined what was under the covers。

〃let us go to the theatre to…night;〃 said lord henry。 〃there is sure to be something on; somewhere。 i have promised to dine at whites; but it is only with an old friend; so i can send him a wire to say that i am ill; or that i am prevented from ing in consequence of a subsequent engagement。 i think that would be a rather nice excuse: it would have all the surprise of candour。〃

〃it is such a bore putting on ones dress…clothes;〃 muttered hallward。 〃and; when one has them on; they are so horrid。〃

〃yes;〃 answered lord henry dreamily; 〃the costume of the nineteenth century is detestable。 it is so sombre; so depressing。 sin is the only real colour…element left in modern life。〃

〃you really must not say things like that before dorian; harry。〃

〃before which dorian? the one who is pouring out tea for us; or the one in the picture?〃

〃before either。〃

〃i should like to e to the theatre with you; lord henry;〃 said the lad。

〃then you shall e; and you will e; too; basil; wont you?〃

〃i cant; really。 i would sooner not。 i have a lot of work to do。〃

〃well; then; you and 
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